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Client & Collaborators

Hennepin Theater Trust


Parklot Pop-up

Minneapolis, MN

In the downtown core of Minneapolis, there is a discernible lack of publicly accessible open space. Working together with Hennepin Theater Trust, our team converted a surface parking lot on Hennepin Avenue into an outdoor amenity for all people. The goal of the project was to create a safe, inviting, and vibrant public space that is welcoming to downtown professionals, theater goers, students, pedestrians, bicyclists, bus patrons and other visitors to downtown. The design employed recycled materials to create a low-cost, replicable model for other under utilized spaces in Minneapolis. Amenities include seating, tables, an edible garden, bike parking, and a flexible space for performance. This effort demonstrated the opportunities that city, community, and business organizations have to collaborate toward creating positive and tactile public spaces.

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