Client & Collaborators
Minneapolis Parks & Recreation Board
Toole Design
Grand Rounds Missing Link
Minneapolis and St Anthony, MN
The Grand Rounds Missing Link is a 140+ year community vision and an ongoing project by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to fill a major gap in the Grand Rounds – the 51-mile connected system of parks, trails, parkways, and natural features that encircles the city of Minneapolis.
The Grand Rounds has a deep-rooted legacy within landscape architecture and urban planning, and we are truly honored to play a role in continuing its legacy. The system of parks and parkways initially envisioned by H.W.S. Cleveland are integral to Minneapolis’ character and identity, making the city a livable place for people of all ages and backgrounds. The Grand Rounds shapes the city around it – connecting neighborhoods, preserving natural features, and providing easy access to public spaces and recreational opportunities.
There is an increasing demand to connect the Grand Rounds in Northeast and Southeast Minneapolis, with the goal of achieving the same high standards of recreation and connectivity found throughout the rest of the city. The Missing Link presents an opportunity to incorporate a variety of disparate trails into the Grand Rounds network, elevating the level of service and providing equitable access to green spaces for all residents.
The newly-proposed design concepts for the Missing Link focus on the development of a regional trail and new parkland opportunities throughout the corridor, including the city of Saint Anthony Village and the Mid-City Industrial, Como, and Prospect Park neighborhoods of Minneapolis. The proposed concepts would provide numerous East Side neighborhoods and adjacent communities with much-needed access to parks, trails, and green space.
In collaboration with Toole Design Group and HDR, Inc., Damon Farber led a concept design phase that explored the full potential build out of the regional trail along the corridor, including new parkland opportunities and railroad crossing alternatives. Through extensive multi-agency coordination and review sessions, Damon Farber facilitated the creation of design concepts that gathered support from all key agency partners. HDR contributed significant expertise in roadway and trail design, innovative stormwater management, utilities, and railroad coordination. Toole Design provided specialized knowledge in multimodal transportation design, traffic engineering, and complex intersection design.
We encourage you to explore the Grand Rounds Missing Link design concepts and provide your input at the following link:

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